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Reminder about inclement weather procedures

Posted on: February 20, 2018

Sometimes we have to close school, delay the start of school, or release early because of bad weather. This is the annual reminder of procedures for school closures or schedule changes due to inclement weather.

When the decision has been made to close school or delay the start, we rely on local radio and television stations for notifications. Closure and delayed start information will ordinarily be broadcast by 6:30 a.m. Closure information will also be posted on the District website.

 Our District subscribes to FlashAlert. This service forwards school closure information to local radio and television stations. Staff, parents, or community members can register to receive these notices directlyNotifications will be sent via email. For those of you with tablets or smart phones, you can also receive messages by downloading the FlashAlert Messenger app. This app is available on Google Play or the iTunes app store. There are no costs to the recipients for using the email or app for notifications.

All addresses registered on FlashAlert will remain confidential. You will receive an email message once per year asking if you wish to continue your subscription and to confirm your email address.  Subscribers should be aware that some email spam filters may prevent messages from being received.

Below are some of the radio and television stations that will be notified of school closures: 

FM Radio Stations: AM Radio Stations: Television Stations:
KEHK FM 102.3

KFLY FM 101.5

KKNU FM 93.3

KLOO FM 106.3

KOOL FM 99.1

KRKT FM 99.9

KSND FM 95.1 (Spanish)


KGAL AM 1580

KLOO AM 1340


KWBY AM 940 (Spanish)


KATU Chan 2

KEZI Chan 9

KGW Chan 8

KLSR Chan 34

KMTR Chan 16

KOIN Chan 6

KVAL Chan 13

  *The television channel may vary according to listening area.

If you have questions about the procedures summarized above, please contact the school or contact the District Office at 541-967-4501.

Download this letter to parents in English or Spanish.

Attention EL Parents: Important Meeting for Parents of English Learners

Posted on: February 16, 2018

Dear Parents,


To better meet the needs of your child as an identified English learner (EL), we have hired an outside group to complete a District EL Program Review. We are conducting observations in classrooms, surveying teachers and assistants, and would like to get your input as a parent regarding what you think about your child’s education here in GAPS.


The Quality Teaching for English Learners (QTEL) research and professional development group will be here on Tuesday, February 20th and would like to meet with as many parents as they can. We have asked QTEL to collect parent feedback so we can improve our systems and instruction for your students. Your voice is important!


Parent Meeting Tuesday, February 20th

Facilitated in Spanish

6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at AOS School

701 SE 19th Avenue

Right Next to the Welcome Center

Across the Street from Sunrise Elementary

Childcare Provided


The meeting will be casual with a few questions asked but mainly the opportunity to hear from you. Our district staff will be there to welcome you and assist the QTEL staff if needed as well as providing childcare for families who need it.

Please share this opportunity with your family, friends, and neighbors who also have children in GAPS that are part of the English Language Development program.



Heather Huzefkam Director of Student Services

David Jazmin,  District Family Liaison

Importante junta para los padres de estudiantes aprendiendo inglés

El martes 20 de febrero

Estimados padres de familia:

Para atender mejor las necesidades de su hijo/a identificado como aprendiz del idioma inglés (EL por sus siglas en inglés), hemos contratado un grupo externo para realizar una revisión del Programa de EL del Distrito. Estamos llevando a cabo observaciones en los salones de clase, encuestas a los maestros y asistentes; y nos gustaría conocer sus opiniones como padres, con respecto a lo que piensan de la educación de su hijo/a aquí en el Distrito de las Escuelas Públicas de Albany (GAPS por sus siglas en inglés).

El grupo que investiga y realiza desarrollo profesional “The Quality Teaching for English Learners –QTEL” (La calidad de la enseñanza para los aprendices del idioma inglés), estará aquí el martes 20 de febrero y les gustaría reunirse con la mayoría de padres que puedan. Le hemos pedido a QTEL recolectar la opinión de los padres, así podremos mejorar nuestros sistemas e instrucción para nuestros estudiantes. ¡Su voz es importante!

Junta para padres el 20 de febrero

Realizado en español

De 6:00 p.m. a 7:30 p.m. en la escuela AOS School

701 SE 19th Avenue

Al lado derecho del Centro de Bienvenida

Cruzando la calle de la escuela primaria Sunrise Elementary

Se proporcionará cuidado de niños

La junta será informal con algunas preguntas, pero principalmente será una oportunidad para escucharle. Nuestro personal del distrito estará allí para darle la bienvenida y ayudar al personal de QTEL, de ser necesario junto con la provisión de cuidado de niños que lo necesitan.

Por favor comparta esta oportunidad con su familia, amigos y vecinos que también tengan niños en GAPS que sean parte del programa del Desarrollo del idioma inglés.


Sra. Heather Huzefka                                                         Sr. David Jazmin

Directora de Servicios Estudiantiles                                Enlace de Familias del Distrito

Special Joint School Board and City Council meeting, Feb. 12, 2018

Posted on: February 12, 2018

A joint meeting of the Albany City Council and the GAPS School Board is scheduled for tonight. District representatives will update the Council on the District’s strategic planning, bond project developments, school programs and emergency management.

See the agenda

The meeting will be held at Albany City Hall, 333 Broadalbin Street SW. It will begin at 7 p.m.

Free engineering workshop for elementary and middle school students

Posted on: February 9, 2018

Early exposure to hands-on engineering activities can build interest in science, technology, engineering and math fields.

The Pipeline to Jobs project and Linn Benton Community College are sponsoring a hands-on workshop at Heritage Mall on Feb. 24 for elementary and middle school students. The event is free and open to all interested students.

Join us for a day of hands-on activities that give kids the opportunity to learn about how things are built, and engage in fun, creative kid-friendly engineering projects. Kids will enjoy building, learning, and creating something new at each station with our fun and experienced mentors. All supplies provided.

For more information, read the flyer.